Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mon ami

When I see you smile...

All my fears go away.

When you look into my eyes...

I feel like I have the world.

When you say my name...

There's no sweeter sound.

When you take my hand...

My heart is content.

When you hold me close...

My life is complete.

posted by Savvy Dreamer at 8:42 PM, | 1 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008

If dreams came true

If dreams came true
We'd be more than just friends,

If dreams came true
Our embraces would never end.

If dreams came true
You'd say how I know you feel,

If dreams came true
We'd admit that this love is real.

Why do we allow fear to keep us apart?

Why do we hold on so tightly to our hearts?

Why do we dream of being together?

Why do I risk losing you forever?

Lets's make our dreams...
Our reality.
posted by Savvy Dreamer at 12:51 PM, | 1 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008


your smile is like a summer's day sunset
that warms my soul
your voice as soothing as waves
crashing on the ocean's shore
your eyes are reminiscent of a bright morning star
that lights the way to a new day
your touch is soft and gentle
as it caresses my body
your mind is strong and powerful
like ancient castle walls
your heart is kind and caring
loving freely
your life is an inspiration
a lighthouse that shows the way
posted by Savvy Dreamer at 9:38 PM, | 0 comments