Sunday, June 29, 2008

Take care of my heart

Gazing into my eyes
Holding onto my hands
Touching my heart.

Whispering sweet nothings into my ear
Gently kissing my lips
Stealing my heart.

Telling me you love me
Promising never to leave me
Take care of my heart.
posted by Savvy Dreamer at 8:24 PM, | 0 comments

20 Y.O.

twenty years
two decades
a lot of laughter
some tears
loving family
splendid friends
around the bend
many lessons
new challenges
wins and loses
with God by side
a prayer in my heart
nothing is impossible
every obstacle
can be moved
in the end
I have one life to live
my choices will dictate
the final verdict


posted by Savvy Dreamer at 6:51 PM, | 0 comments