Sunday, October 29, 2006


The way you make me feel is out of this world
I am so lucky to be your one and only girl
Every word you say puts a smile on my face
You came into my life just in time to fill an empty space
The look in your eyes when you hold me near
Fills my heart with joy because I've finally found someone so dear.
posted by Savvy Dreamer at 5:50 PM, |


and this is your blog for mapenzi eh? nice poems from an achig heart. ROTFLMSAO!
Insignificant other says:every word you say puts a evil grin on my face!
okay,in fear of your significant other coming to get me: cute honest and simple heartfelt words. people don't say this to their sweet hearts anymore...we are edging away from honest simplicity to global warming, rap music about bootys and monkeys, and grilles.